Universally Distributed Private Ownership

A Discussion of the Socio-Economic Foundation of the Digital Future

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1st Rights

User-As-Hamster Business Model

Even within a forward thinking and forward moving community of developers and thinkers such as Project VRM, there exists a tendency to place users instinctively and habitually into this role. As an example, here is a recent Doc Searls remark to the project VRM community regarding using and helping vrm tool builders:

We need to encourage and support the developers among us. That's why Tara, Joe, Iain, Drummond and everybody else who's moving code to market needs us to understand and use their stuff, and to provide constructive help.
Reasonable from any historic perspective of the developmental cycle. However, within it is the basic misunderstanding of the VRM entrepreneurial formula used to build tools and assets that function as services for Individuals, which have value before any service constitutes them as such. There is a break in philosophy when it comes to understanding the role and basic empowered structure of the Individual in a VRM paradigm. And because Individuals are currently at best "free", there is a tendency to misunderstand how a VRM connection happens within any socio-economic construct...including the formative early stage entrepreneurial ones.

I believe VRM is a valued perspective that developers of all kinds should consider and integrate into their efforts immediately. I also believe that the result of a successful VRM market movement will be what I refer to as "Universally Distributed Private Ownership", or UDPO for short, wherein every participant within the socio-economic system is by default organized as a sovereign data construct with the most empowered structure of asset protection and development defining the nature of their participation in all transactions on a universal basis.

UDPO is a derivative of the original concept of 'Individual Sovereignty'. It is a state of existence wherein the integrity of being an Individual Human being is protected. It is the incubation space of our entire Human community, whatever we may be, whatever we may become. We are a species, a species created by Individuals in complex relationships with one another. The concept of "We" is an imaginary construct that "We" use as Individuals in order to foster relationships with other Individuals. The voice of "We" only exists when each of us give it to "We" as Individuals. There is no "real" voice in the binary sense of existence, there can't be any yes/no construct because each of us as Individuals hold something that can never be reduced that far. These are our Human 1st Rights.

Individual Sovereignty is a 1st Right. It is the inherent gift that a sentient being gives to its offspring. Physical bondage may be an outcome of physical needs, as Human babies are very dependent on the care and protection of other more capable Humans. But,as a construct of how life exists successfully, under competitive circumstances, my Individual Sovereignty is my guarantee of some basic 1st Rights, which I may prove to anyone at anytime.

For Instance:

    I may destroy or break any existing thing. This includes physical life, property, rules, etc. It is my 1st Right which can not be managed under any circumstance. There is no such thing as "preemptive control" in a Human system. All Constitutional Rights are 2nd Rights by default.

    I own me. If I wake up, by no choice of my own, in a world that practices "socio-economics" as a function of systemic design, then my 1st Right is to occupy a potentially leveraged position within any sovereign system of local, regional, national, or global law as an "OWNER". My default operating structure must be reflected in the structure of my IDentity and its correlation to all legal socio-economic transactions that I engage in. Any contracted statement otherwise, or system of legal interpretation, is flawed by design and operates tentatively under non-accountable Terms due to the misconstruence of legal rights that have been mis-aligned with basic and naturally occurring reality.

    I may use space and material within my biosphere for any purpose I deem useable. I am an "ENTREPRENEUR" by default construct as a sentient Human being alive on this planet, self-declared as obvious by intent. I do not need permission to change the world. I can do it as a matter of 1st Rights. 2nd Rights need always confer their intended effect in relation to 1st Rights permanent existence.

The Internet has a redesign coming. This one is for all the marbles. There will be two ways that the web gets built. In a way such as our current system enjoys... and in the way that our next system will enjoy.

Currently, you are a data-slave within the system. 2nd Rights confer onto you certain priviledges and protections as deemed valuable to the structural integrity of those 2nd Rights, and their managing politic. Under 2nd Rights, you are regarded as a customer, user, citizen by default, and all sovereign empowerment is captured and bestowed upon you by the Institution of 2nd Rights.

In the next system, you will be a sovereign data construct with structural integrity and opportunity guaranteed by your self-protected statement of 1st Rights which you confer onto yourself, in perfect synchrony with other Individuals who engage in the same act. You will be anonymous by default choice, freely existing within an ecosystem where free-will reigns supreme. And you will be self-owned, securely transacting within accountable infrastructure that you control and own in harmony with both others and the nature of digital and physical existence.

Sound complicated?

It wont be.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Universally Distributed Private Ownership: Human Default Status: Owner & Entrepreneur

Universally Distributed Private Ownership: Human Default Status: Owner & Entrepreneur

Human Default Status: Owner & Entrepreneur

Unless babies are born Owners and Entrepreneurs by default,
they will become slaves every single time.

We enslave ourselves.

You Must Own Yourself.

Facebook @UDPO

Monday, July 13, 2009

Corporations Versus The Free Market

When you consider the place of the corporation in the design of the socio-economic system running our world, it is striking to consider the power structure put in place by these management innovations originally designed to better service the developmental capacity of the industrial complex. Corporations have been given legal living status as entities, with even more empowerments than individual human entities possess. As our species matures, more and more of the power and control that is manged by centralized command-style governing structures preserves the distorted relationship that individuals maintain with the wealth of humanity, held in trust by corporate entities and governments around the world.

A baby born in the year 2040 will be substantially less powerful as an independent entity at birth in relation to the power structure it is born within than a child who was born in 1940 was. This lack of gravity within an individuals inherent socio-economic existence will influence how governments respond to individual human needs, and how much control corporate structures have over the affairs of mankind. The advancements that mankind makes will collectively make our species richer and more capable, and opportunities will be afforded people in new and exciting ways, but the distortion in power between the one and the many will only grow more pronounced.

WalMart is the best example of what is enabled by our current implementation of corporate management philosophy and practices. No small business can compete with WalMart on equal footing, for there is no such thing as equal footing in the marketplace once WalMart enters the arena. WalMart is accomplishing things that violate any notion of a free market, enabling a dynamic wherein only a WalMart 2.0 has any chance of competing with the corporate structure that is WalMart, Inc. The leverage that is afforded the WalMart entity is out of proportion to the benefit it provides to humanity and its varied goals of preservation and prosperity. In a WalMart world, there is a centralized owner of all assets, employees who work on their behalf at the lowest cost structure permitted, and consumers who are encouraged to consume for consumption sake based on the incentive of low prices and limitless supply.

Humanity is not pursuing its best interests on this current path. This truth will bear itself out in time, and already is in enough detail that many people and cultured societies are taking notice. Still however, we do not have a collective notion of the alternative model that will replace our current corporate model.

What could easily be confused as more of the same by defining a collaborative model of socio-economic exchange as 'Universally Distributed Private Ownership', is in fact the essence of two negative values creating a positive outcome. To move beyond our current phase, we need to empower the individual. The most basic way to do this is to inherently provide ownership rights and definitions to the life of all human beings at birth. To reconstitute a nation such as America as a nation of citizen-owners, represented by an Identity-scheme that allows for distributive command and control within an environment that is win-win-win in nature. In such a marketplace, individuals are not simply consumers, they are owners of the very markets wherein all transactions occur. Whether the goal be to empower individual humans en route to empowering societies, or to rebalance the power that corporations possess in relation to those same individuals, the outcome is the same. Universally distributing ownership of the marketplace is a socio-economic game changer. It changes why students learn, it changes how trading relationships are managed, it changes how nations are governed, it allows for economies based on the sharing of intellectual capital assets to flourish, while providing the much needed framework of personal incentive and accountability that our world is in dire need of.

An effective collaborative network maintains a win-win-win structure. 1 + 1 does indeed equal 3 in such an evolutionary environment. Currently our education system would not have the capacity to instruct this logic, for it is designed with a 1+1=2 model in mind. We must move beyond this state of development and begin providing all the powers that we can to the individual members of our global socio-economic system, so that we do not all wake up one day soon living in a manner that violates our sense of independence and personal liberty. There is one state more powerful than freedom, and it is the freedom you own. In a socio-economic universe, you must own yourself, you must own your life.

Life Inc. Dispatch 06: Why Corporations Hate the Free Market from Douglas Rushkoff on Vimeo.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

What is UDPO?

Universally Distributed Private Ownership is an idea; it is the notion that if all people alive on planet Earth were contrived as entities with administrative privileges equal to those of corporate entities, our world would be organized in a manner that more accurately reflects the inherent intention found within the motivation for inventing every product, service and management system in the world.

At the root of the idea is the belief that you, the individual life, are in possession from your first moment as a distinct living entity on this planet of the core component of humanity. You are born an owner. At that moment of tabula rasa, before any act of man may influence the nature of your life, you possess all of the rights and privileges of a sacred being. Nations derive their existence and vitality from the willing consent and participatory energies of such beings.

Therefore, at the first moment of your earthly administration and inclusion in the digital database infrastructure which will increasingly come to manage your human life on this planet, and in this universe, you MUST be ordained all of the administrative rights and procedural privileges of personal ownership over the data related to your distinct entity.

No other alternative which gives to the whole of humanity prior to giving to the individual is acceptable in so much that it is contradictory to the inherent structure of the human species. Humanity is an organism that grows in value as it grows en masse. However, all of the capabilities that the human organism possesses or ever will possess are the byproduct of individual beings and the expression of their energetic outcomes. Even when working in collective harmony, the creative leadership of humanity is the task of individual beings working within the mass of the whole. Truly, no man is an island, none of us can survive alone for any significant period of time that matters on a survival metric, however, even before the whole of us are given the opportunity to survive and prosper, we require individuals to show us the way.

Read your history well. Put down your private motivations. Cease fighting for your brand of power, freedom or righteous expression and consider the truth of human life. We are I + I across time. To the degree that we empower the individual we empower the whole. To the extent that we are accountable as individuals, we will be well formed en masse.

So UDPO is a strategy for reflecting the true nature of human life in a socio-economic management system. It begins by providing ownership rights to individual human lives universally, and restructures the participatory framework of all markets to better reflect the role of individual owners in all of the transactional exchanges they are afforded the opportunity to participate within. It is a simple matter of implementation, but one that carries with it pervasive ramifications that will be felt across all parts of our species and its varied civilizations.

A day will arrive at a point in the not-to-distant future that will change our notion of what it means to be alive as a socio-economic entity in the universe. Babies will be born owners, and the world will be better for it.

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Public Education Events

Strategies have been put in place to influence the future development of the world marketplace. Individual entities will command a massive amount of respect in the future that is being built today. This future is being created by those few that understand the insight to deliver power to people unfettered. Patents, trademarks, copyright and the courts that regulate their existence and authority are transient in relation to time and place. As necessary as they may currently be, and as convuluted as they presently are. The revolution IS being televised. Sleep well....

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What is UDPO?

Its pretty self explanatory really, but the importance of the concept can not be overstated. I'm gonna take you way back, to a time of great decision making, a time when our own nation was forming what it is today while ringing blood from its hands at the close of every evening.

There is no more important subject than the "Liberty of Mankind". And no matter where you live, where you're from, what you do, what you believe, or how you live, there is a socio-economic system managing your life. The question you should ask yourself is this:

What Brand of Freedom Owns Your Life?