Universally Distributed Private Ownership

A Discussion of the Socio-Economic Foundation of the Digital Future

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1st Rights

User-As-Hamster Business Model

Even within a forward thinking and forward moving community of developers and thinkers such as Project VRM, there exists a tendency to place users instinctively and habitually into this role. As an example, here is a recent Doc Searls remark to the project VRM community regarding using and helping vrm tool builders:

We need to encourage and support the developers among us. That's why Tara, Joe, Iain, Drummond and everybody else who's moving code to market needs us to understand and use their stuff, and to provide constructive help.
Reasonable from any historic perspective of the developmental cycle. However, within it is the basic misunderstanding of the VRM entrepreneurial formula used to build tools and assets that function as services for Individuals, which have value before any service constitutes them as such. There is a break in philosophy when it comes to understanding the role and basic empowered structure of the Individual in a VRM paradigm. And because Individuals are currently at best "free", there is a tendency to misunderstand how a VRM connection happens within any socio-economic construct...including the formative early stage entrepreneurial ones.

I believe VRM is a valued perspective that developers of all kinds should consider and integrate into their efforts immediately. I also believe that the result of a successful VRM market movement will be what I refer to as "Universally Distributed Private Ownership", or UDPO for short, wherein every participant within the socio-economic system is by default organized as a sovereign data construct with the most empowered structure of asset protection and development defining the nature of their participation in all transactions on a universal basis.

UDPO is a derivative of the original concept of 'Individual Sovereignty'. It is a state of existence wherein the integrity of being an Individual Human being is protected. It is the incubation space of our entire Human community, whatever we may be, whatever we may become. We are a species, a species created by Individuals in complex relationships with one another. The concept of "We" is an imaginary construct that "We" use as Individuals in order to foster relationships with other Individuals. The voice of "We" only exists when each of us give it to "We" as Individuals. There is no "real" voice in the binary sense of existence, there can't be any yes/no construct because each of us as Individuals hold something that can never be reduced that far. These are our Human 1st Rights.

Individual Sovereignty is a 1st Right. It is the inherent gift that a sentient being gives to its offspring. Physical bondage may be an outcome of physical needs, as Human babies are very dependent on the care and protection of other more capable Humans. But,as a construct of how life exists successfully, under competitive circumstances, my Individual Sovereignty is my guarantee of some basic 1st Rights, which I may prove to anyone at anytime.

For Instance:

    I may destroy or break any existing thing. This includes physical life, property, rules, etc. It is my 1st Right which can not be managed under any circumstance. There is no such thing as "preemptive control" in a Human system. All Constitutional Rights are 2nd Rights by default.

    I own me. If I wake up, by no choice of my own, in a world that practices "socio-economics" as a function of systemic design, then my 1st Right is to occupy a potentially leveraged position within any sovereign system of local, regional, national, or global law as an "OWNER". My default operating structure must be reflected in the structure of my IDentity and its correlation to all legal socio-economic transactions that I engage in. Any contracted statement otherwise, or system of legal interpretation, is flawed by design and operates tentatively under non-accountable Terms due to the misconstruence of legal rights that have been mis-aligned with basic and naturally occurring reality.

    I may use space and material within my biosphere for any purpose I deem useable. I am an "ENTREPRENEUR" by default construct as a sentient Human being alive on this planet, self-declared as obvious by intent. I do not need permission to change the world. I can do it as a matter of 1st Rights. 2nd Rights need always confer their intended effect in relation to 1st Rights permanent existence.

The Internet has a redesign coming. This one is for all the marbles. There will be two ways that the web gets built. In a way such as our current system enjoys... and in the way that our next system will enjoy.

Currently, you are a data-slave within the system. 2nd Rights confer onto you certain priviledges and protections as deemed valuable to the structural integrity of those 2nd Rights, and their managing politic. Under 2nd Rights, you are regarded as a customer, user, citizen by default, and all sovereign empowerment is captured and bestowed upon you by the Institution of 2nd Rights.

In the next system, you will be a sovereign data construct with structural integrity and opportunity guaranteed by your self-protected statement of 1st Rights which you confer onto yourself, in perfect synchrony with other Individuals who engage in the same act. You will be anonymous by default choice, freely existing within an ecosystem where free-will reigns supreme. And you will be self-owned, securely transacting within accountable infrastructure that you control and own in harmony with both others and the nature of digital and physical existence.

Sound complicated?

It wont be.